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If you find yourself looking at social medial posts for hours, you might be a victim of doom scrolling

Psychologists give some tips on how to stop your social media spirals

ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) – The world has been changing so fast and so dramatically that it can be hard to peel your eyes away from the news. But have you ever found yourself looking at posts for hours and hours, knowing it makes you upset? You may be a victim of doom scrolling. Here are some tips on how to stop your social media spirals.

This year, more than three billion people will log on to social media. Most spend an average of 38 minutes on Facebook each day. That number jumps to three hours a day if you’re under 24.

In total, it’s estimated the average adult will spend six years and eight months of their life on social media. How much time do you spend scrolling? Are you caught in a social media spiral?

Psychologists say that doom scrolling gives us a sense of control and feeds into our need for social connection, but it can be damaging to our mental health.

First, ask yourself why are you scrolling?

“These companies, they’re specifically designing these products to keep us coming back,” said Jane Twenge, author of iGen.

Always scroll with intention. Second, ask how are you scrolling? Are you someone who likes to post a lot and interact or are you a lurker that likes to witness? Knowing the difference can make you more aware of your usage.

Another option? Making an “App Jail” for apps that are more addicting than others.

To create an app jail, put all the social media apps you spend the most time on in one folder. Add a one minute timer to each app. When the minute is up, it’s time to close that app.


Contributor(s) to this news report include: Sabrina Broadbent, Producer; Bob Walko, Videographer and Editor. To receive a free weekly email on Smart Living from Ivanhoe, sign up at:

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About the Authors

Gaby has been a news producer since 2019. She graduated from the University of North Texas with a Media Arts degree and previously worked at KIII-TV in Corpus Christi.
