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KSAT Community spotlight: Dee Howard Foundation aims to preserve history of aviation in San Antonio

Nonprofit increases access to STEM programming

Do you have a passion to explore and learn more about aviation?

KSAT Community is highlighting local nonprofit, the Dee Howard Foundation as the group seeks to inspire, challenge and empower innovators in the fields of aviation and aerospace while training a skilled workforce for the San Antonio, Texas Region.

“The Dee Howard Foundation (DHF) works in partnership with hundreds of school partners and nonprofit organizations to ensure that all young people have access to STEM programming early on,” said a representative for Dee Howard Foundation. “We know that a strong STEM background ensures that young people grow up with critical thinking and problem-solving skills that prepare them up for 21st-century jobs.”

The nonprofit was established in memory of aviation pioneer and entrepreneur Dee Howard for the support of programs that enhance excellence and global leadership of the aviation and automotive sectors in San Antonio.

Dee Howard Foundation is also dedicated to fostering aviation and aerospace in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (S.T.E.M.) in Pre-K through 12 education programs primarily in schools in the greater San Antonio area whose students are from underserved areas of our community.

Goals of the Dee Howard Foundation:

  • Increase access to STEM programming
  • Create opportunities for young people to see adults like them in the fields of Aviation and Aerospace
  • Connect the dots between young people and the high demand high wage jobs in these industries
  • Honor aviation history

Benefits of being employed in a STEM occupation:

Did you know that the median annual wage of STEM occupations in 2020 was $89,780?

According to Dee Howard Foundation, employment in STEM occupations has grown 79% since 1990, increasing from 9.7 million to 17.3 million.

Additionally, 74% of middle school girls express an interest in engineering, science, and math yet only 0.4% choose computer science as a major when they get to college.

Do you have tickets yet? The 2022 Aviation and Aerospace Hall of Fame Dinner will be held on March 2 in the Boeing Hangar benefitting the Dee Howard Foundation.

If you would like to volunteer, get involved or make a donation to the Dee Howard Foundation, click or tap here.

KSAT Community operates in partnership with University Health, Energy Transfer and Randolph-Brooks Federal Credit Union.

About the Author
Kiersten Ehr headshot

Kiersten has been a Digital Content Creator with KSAT12 since 2017. She graduated from Texas State University with an electronic media degree and previously worked for the Spurs Sports & Entertainment.
