SAN JUAN Puerto Ricos governor on Tuesday announced strict new rules for all passengers flying into Puerto Rico in a bid to curb coronavirus cases as officials blame recent outbreaks on those who flew to the U.S. territory and were infected.
Those who refuse to do so, or tested positive, or do not have the test results available, will be forced into a two-week quarantine.
During that time, they have to undergo a test and share the results if they want to be released from quarantine, said Puerto Rico Health Secretary Lorenzo Gonzlez.
Vzquez's administration will require that all passengers fill a form prior to arriving in Puerto Rico with required information including where the test was taken.
Puerto Rico expects to receive up to 9,000 passengers a day in upcoming months, compared with the roughly 4,500 daily current arrivals, said Carla Campos, executive director of Puerto Ricos Tourism Company.