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Space heaters involved in 2 deadly fires this week; SAFD talks prevention and safety tips

Three fatal fires have been reported in three days

SAN ANTONIO – The San Antonio Fire Department said a common winter safety concern is linked to both fatal fires the department responded to this week.

A 61-year-old man was killed in a house fire Tuesday afternoon in the 1000 block of Montezuma Street. Another fire on Wednesday morning killed an elderly man in the 500 block of Schley Avenue.

“Both seem to be related to improper space heater usage,” said SAFD public information officer Joe Arrington.

A third fatal fire on Monday morning in South Bexar County claimed the life of an 11-year-old boy. A spokesman for the Bexar County Fire Marshal’s Office on Thursday said the cause was still under investigation.

Arrington spoke with KSAT about fire prevention tips and what to do in case of a fire.


Arrington said space heaters are the “biggest risk factor” for fires during cold weather. While newer models likely have a safety feature that will shut them off if they’re tipped over, older ones may not. Other tips for safe usage include:

  • Plug the heater’s cord directly into the wall, not a surge protector
  • Keep the heater at least three feet away from anything flammable (blankets, curtains, bedding, etc.)
  • Don’t put it under your desk.
  • When you leave the room, turn the heater off and unplug it
  • Do not leave the heater on or plugged in while you’re sleeping


Ovens or stoves should never be used to heat a home.

Any oven — gas or electric — presents a fire hazard. Gas ovens and burners also present the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Arrington said the department has also seen people try to use a charcoal grill inside, which brings the same dangers for fire and carbon monoxide.


Arrington said you should ensure your chimney is clean before starting a fire. He recommends a professional chimney cleaning and inspection for wood-burning fireplaces to deal with the creosote buildup.

Whether your fireplace burns wood or natural gas, ensure that the flue is open and no smoke is backing up into the home.

If a wood fire is being lit, stick to using wood and paper to get the fire started. Don’t use gasoline or a charcoal starter inside a home.

Once the fire is going, make sure it’s behind a screen so embers don’t spark off a fire in the room.


Hopefully, there will be no issues with electricity in the home.

If using a generator becomes necessary, make sure it is being used approximately six feet away from the home.

The generator should also be out in the open. Never put it inside a garage or near an HVAC system where the heater could suck the exhaust fumes back into the home.


In case of a fire, Arrington suggested evacuating the home and calling 911. Don’t try to save any objects.

If the fire is small and isolated, a fire extinguisher can be used.

  • Use an ABC-type fire extinguisher, which will put out wood, grease and electric fires
  • Make sure the extinguisher is “full”
  • Use the acronym P.A.S.S. for use: PULL the safety pin, AIM it at the fire from five-to-six feet away, SQUEEZE the trigger, SWEEP the spray side-to-side.


Fire suppression blankets are less common in Texas, Arrington said, but the blankets can be used to smother a kitchen fire.

  • Pull the blanket out and spread it out in front of you
  • Walk toward the fire with the blanket in front, and put it over the fire.
  • When the fire is extinguished, step back. Leave the blanket for 30 minutes so the flames don’t flare up again.
  • Call 911 to get crews on their way


Older people are at higher risk of being a fire victim due to mobility issues and living alone.

They may not see this story, or know about the SAFD’s safety website, SAFD said.

“So take that extra step to check on your neighbors, (and) check on your loved ones,” Arrington said.


SAFD has more information, based on each season, on its website:

About the Authors
Garrett Brnger headshot

Garrett Brnger is a reporter with KSAT 12.

Adam B. Higgins headshot